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Stuck in the Cold? How to Deal with Frozen Car Doors

Are you dreading the winter months because you always end up dealing with a frozen car door? You’re not alone! Many car owners face this frustrating problem during the cold season.

However, the good news is that there are ways to prevent and deal with frozen car doors. In this guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know to keep your car doors functioning properly in winter.

Understanding Frozen Car Doors

When temperatures drop below freezing, the moisture in the air turns into ice. This ice can accumulate on your car’s exterior, including the door locks and rubber seals.

As a result, you may find that your car doors won’t open or close properly. You may also experience difficulty inserting your key into the lock or turning it.

Preventing Frozen Car Doors

The best way to deal with frozen car doors is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Here are some tips for preventing frozen car doors:

    • Park in a garage or covered area if possible. This will help keep your car out of the elements and reduce the chances of ice buildup.

    • Use a car cover. If you don’t have access to a garage or covered area, a car cover can help protect your car from the elements and reduce the amount of ice buildup.

    • Apply a silicone spray to your car’s rubber seals. This will help prevent them from sticking to the car and freezing shut.

    • Keep your car’s doors and locks lubricated. Using a graphite lubricant or a silicone spray on the locks and hinges can help prevent them from freezing.

Tips for Dealing with Frozen Car Doors

Even with prevention measures in place, you may still find yourself dealing with frozen car doors. Here are some tips for dealing with this frustrating problem:

    • Use a de-icer. A de-icer is a spray that can melt the ice on your car’s locks and rubber seals. Just be sure to use a de-icer that is safe for your car’s paint and finishes.

    • Heat up your key. If your key won’t turn in the lock, you can try heating it up with a lighter or match. Be sure to hold the key with pliers and heat it up for only a few seconds to avoid damage.

    • Use a hairdryer. If your car door is frozen shut, you can use a hairdryer to melt the ice. Just be sure to use the low heat setting and keep the dryer a few inches away from the car to avoid damaging the paint.

Alternative Solutions for Frozen Car Doors

If the above methods don’t work, there are a few other things you can try:

    • Use a credit card or plastic spatula to gently pry open the door. Be careful not to damage the car’s paint or rubber seals.

    • Pour warm (not hot) water over the lock and rubber seals to melt the ice. Be sure to use caution as hot water can crack the glass or cause other damage to the car.

    • Call a locksmith or professional car service to help you unfreeze your car doors.

Getting Professional Help with Frozen Car Doors

If you’re still struggling with frozen car doors, it’s time to seek professional help. A locksmith or professional car service can provide specialized solutions to unfreeze your car doors safely and efficiently. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you need it!


Dealing with frozen car doors can be a time-consuming and frustrating problem. However, by taking preventive measures and using the advice described in this guide you can prevent and avoid these problems.