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Ultimate Guide to Changing Locks on Your New House: Tips and Tricks

Moving into a new house is an exciting time, but it’s important to remember that the safety and security of your new home should be a top priority. One of the first things you should consider when moving into a new home is changing the locks.

This guide will provide you with tips and tricks on how to change locks on your new house to ensure the safety of you and your family.

Why Change the Locks on Your New House?

It’s Better to Be Safe Than Sorry

When you move into a new house, you never know who might have a key to your front door. The previous owners may have given keys to family members, friends, or even neighbors. Changing the locks is the best way to ensure that only you and your family members have access to your home.

Protect Your Family and Belongings

The safety of your family and belongings should be a top priority. By changing the locks on your new house, you are making it more difficult for potential burglars to gain access to your home.

Save Money in the Long Run

Changing the locks may seem like an unnecessary expense, but it can save you money in the long run. If someone were to break into your home because you didn’t change the locks, your insurance may not cover the cost of the stolen items.

When to Change the Locks on Your New House?

Immediately After Moving In

The best time to change the locks on your new house is immediately after moving in. This ensures that you and your family are the only ones with access to your home. It’s also a good idea to change the locks before you start moving in your belongings, as this will make the process much easier.

When the Locks Are Old or Damaged

If the locks on your new house are old or damaged, it’s important to replace them as soon as possible. Old or damaged locks can be easily picked by burglars, leaving your home vulnerable to theft.

When You Lose a Key

If you lose a key to your new house, it’s important to change the locks immediately. This will ensure that anyone who finds the key cannot gain access to your home.

How to Change the Locks on Your New House?

Hire a Professional

The easiest and most reliable way to change the locks on your new house is to hire a professional locksmith. A professional locksmith can install new locks quickly and efficiently, ensuring that your home is secure.

DIY Lock Replacement

If you’re handy and want to save some money, you can replace the locks yourself. However, it’s important to remember that improperly installed locks can be easily picked by burglars. Before attempting to replace the locks yourself, make sure you have the proper tools and knowledge.

Step-by-Step Guide to DIY Lock Replacement

      • Remove the old lock: Use a screwdriver to remove the screws that hold the old lock in place. Remove the lock from the door.

      • Measure the new lock: Measure the distance between the center of the lock and the edge of the door. Make sure the new lock is the same size as the old lock.

      • Install the new lock: Insert the new lock into the hole in the door. Secure the lock with screws and tighten them with a screwdriver.

      • Test the lock: Test the new lock to make sure it is working properly.